Directory of Powder Metallurgy Fabricators and Suppliers

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Directory Detail
Materials: Cu, Fe, Fe-Sn, Cu-Zn, stainless, Cu-W, SMC, Cr Alloy

Types of Parts: Automotive, machine, sewing machine, O.A., home appliance, agricultural, power-tool, MIM parts, green energy parts.

Specialties: Bearings, machine parts, MIM, warm compaction. Micro-Bearings.

Manufacturing Capabilities:
Compacting Equipment: 3-1600 ton presses (Tamagawa, Cincinnati, Gasbarre, Yoshizuka, Dorst; 600 mm width furnaces (Mahler, Sinterite, Cremer).

Other Equipment: Sizing press, EDM, wire cutting machine etc., assembling.

Company Contacts

Primary Sales RepresentativeChu,