Directory of Powder Metallurgy Fabricators and Suppliers

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Directory Detail
Messer North America offers a complete package of furnace atmosphere control equipment and process industrial gases which can be easily adapted to existing sintering process.

SINTERFLEX™ is a new and patented C-potential control technology developed jointly by Linde and Hoganas AB. The comprehensive solution focuses on two areas: a new furnace atmosphere to bring and keep carbon inside the sintering zone, and a measurement and monitoring system — with a newly designed oxygen probe — to control this atmosphere. As the system controls the gas composition, particularly the carbon enrichment, a healthy C-potential can be maintained, thus achieving a decarburisation-free sintering production.

About Linde in North America
Linde North America is a member of The Linde Group, a world-leading gases and engineering company with approximately 65,000 employees in more than 100 countries worldwide. In the 2015 financial year, Linde generated revenue of approximately EUR 18 billion (US 20.4 billion). The strategy of the Group is geared towards long-term profitable growth and focuses on the expansion of its international business with forward-looking products and services. Linde acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment — in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe. The company is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development.

Company Contacts

Primary Sales RepresentativeMoroz,