Directory of Powder Metallurgy Fabricators and Suppliers

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Directory Detail
Since 1963, Retech has been the world’s leading provider of vacuum melting furnaces for demanding industries in ever-changing markets. Our advanced technologies have been applied to melting, refining, casting, and atomizing reactive and refractory metals, such as Titanium & its alloys, superalloys, and rare earth metals. Each custom system produces products with the unique metallurgical and geometric properties that are required by the application.

In 2011 Retech became a part of the SECO/Warwick group of companies which has an expanded our global presence through added sales and service centers around the world.

Effectively, Retech is also the most fully integrated, custom vacuum metallurgical furnace manufacturer in the world, providing customer access to our wide range of in-house resources, including equipment and material development.

Experience and service, coupled with complete research, design, engineering, and manufacturing, are the key elements to our success and that of our customers.

Additional Company Contacts:
Earl Good - Managing Director / President -
Aamir Abid - Director of Powder Products -

Company Contacts

Official ContactJackson,
Primary Sales RepresentativeZazueta,