Directory of Powder Metallurgy Fabricators and Suppliers

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Directory Detail
Manufacturing Capabilities

Build Machines: Binder jet: 1 Innovent; 4 R2; 2 M-Flex; 3 S-Print Binder jet machines
Maximum Part Weight: 250 lbs
In-House Secondary: Grit blasting, coatings
In-House Q.C. and Metallurgical Inspection: Boroscope, Calipers, Optical microscope, digital balances, permeability teste, PH Tester, Surface profilometer, thermal imaging, viscosity tester, Faro Arm and Inspection Software

SiC, Boron Carbide, tungsten carbide, stainless steels, fiberglass, zirconia, silica, Alumina
Types of Parts: Automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, space exploration, defense
Specialties: Nuclear and Optical support, semiconductor, aerospace ducting tools, interior panel tooling

Additive Manufacturing,
Aerospace, Automotive, Oil Exploration,

Company Contacts

Official ContactBose,