Refractory Metals Association

The Refractory Metals Association (RMA) serves to promote and expand the markets for refractory metals: tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, columbium, chromium, rhenium, vanadium, boron, hafnium, cobalt, and the rare earth metals, principally cerium, lanthanum, and yttrium.  

Member companies must be commercially engaged in North America in the production of refractory metals and/or alloys 50% or more of which consist of refractory metals. 

RMA membership provides an opportunity to: 

  • serve as a voice for the refractory metals industries in dealing with agencies of the government on stockpiling, import and export regulations, defense programs, general communications, and any other such matters of concern.
  • improve, promote, and expand the markets for the products of the members.
  • promote investigation and research, including alerting members to developments in competing technologies and products, promote education in refractory metals, alloys, and products.
  • cooperate with governmental agencies so as to provide maximum service to the government.
  • and foster an awareness of ecological responsibility. 

Membership Information

Corporate RMA Membership (pdf)