Association for Metal Additive Manufacturing

The Association for Metal Additive Manufacturing's (AMAM) main mission is to increase the visibility and stature of metal AM within the industrial community, and to enhance the metal AM industry's opportunities for continued growth. Its objectives include establishing best practices to provide safe metal AM environments, organizing educational programs, supporting research and development, developing and expediting standards, collecting useful industry statistics, and establishing an industry wide approach to marketing the technology.

AMAM Membership Brochure (pdf)

Who Can Join? 

Companies with captive/in-plant metal AM operations, as well as those companies manufacturing such products for sale on the open market, material suppliers to those companies, and equipment suppliers that support the metal AM industry, are targeted for membership. Membership is limited to commercial entities and will not include academic institutions, government agencies, research-only organizations, or professional societies. These non-commercial entities are important and can contribute but their role will be ancillary. 

Membership Information 

Corporate AMAM Membership (pdf)


AMAM Board of Directors

AMAM Standards Committee

Past AMAM President

AMAM Bylaws (pdf)

Tutorial on the Proper Powder Handling for Safety and Quality

This tutorial will cover the risks associated with the handling of metal powders along with detailing some of the industries known best practices for the safe handling of metal powders.  Also covered in the presentation are methods used to reduce contamination of the metal powders during the handling and use in the metal additive manufacturing systems. 


AMAM Member List