MIMA Member Directory

If you have an application that you’re considering manufacturing via MIM, your very first step should be to consult with one of the MIMA-member companies listed in our directory. These companies have the expertise to guide you every step of the way, from evaluating whether your part is an appropriate candidate for MIM, through the design and material selection processes, through tooling development, to the ultimate manufacturing of your component.New Search

Directory Detail
Powders/Flakes: Carbonyl nickel powder, stainless steel flake, zinc flake, nickel flake and nickel oxide.

Standard MIM Powders: Novamet 4SP nickel powder, Vale T123 PM nickel powder and gas atomized alloy powders.

Other Powders: Nickel coated graphite, calcined nickel oxide, nickel flake and nickel based alloy flake.

Manufacturing Capabilities:
Flaking, blending, air classifying, screening and calcining.

Powder Fraction Range: 1 to 37 micrometers.

Special Services: Custom manufacturing services available upon request.

Other Information: Novamet/Ultra Fine Specialty Products, formerly a Vale Inco Company, is now a privately held producer of specialty metal and metal oxide particulates.

For over 40 years, Novamet Specialty Products has been producing and providing a wide range of products including various morphologies of tightly sized nickel powders, flakes of nickel, stainless steel, and zinc, coatings of nickel, copper, or silver on various powder substrates, as well as specialty nickel oxides. With Novamet’s acquisition of Ultra Fine Specialty Products, we now offer a variety of specialty gas atomized powders with tightly controlled chemistries and particle sizes for MIM, metal AM, and other applications that are highly sensitive to powder characteristics. Standard products include steels, nickel-based superalloys, copper alloys, and cobalt alloys with d90 values less than 16, 22, or 31 µm, many of which are maintained in stock and ready to ship. Custom alloys and particle size distributions are available utilizing our technologically advanced atomization, air classification, and/or screening processes.
For further information please visit our websites; www.novametcorp.com & www.ultrafinepowder.com.

Company Contacts

Primary Sales RepresentativePeterson, Jeffreyjeff.peterson@novamet.com
Sales RepresentativeBizzaro, Neil G.neil.bizzaro@novametcorp.com

Additional Demographics and Lists

MaterialsCobalt & Cobalt-Based Alloys
MaterialsCopper, Bronze, Brass
MaterialsNickel-Based Alloys
MaterialsStainless Steel