MIMA Member Directory

If you have an application that you’re considering manufacturing via MIM, your very first step should be to consult with one of the MIMA-member companies listed in our directory. These companies have the expertise to guide you every step of the way, from evaluating whether your part is an appropriate candidate for MIM, through the design and material selection processes, through tooling development, to the ultimate manufacturing of your component.New Search

Directory Detail
Low alloy steels, stainless steels, tool steels, super alloys, implantable, copper, and heavy alloys.

Types of Parts: Firearm, medical, industrial, military.

Manufacturing Capabilities:
Molding Machines: 10

Maximum Part Weight: 300 grams

In-House Secondary: Machining, grinding, sizing.

In-House QC & Metallurgical Inspection: Vision Systems, CMM, rheometer, carbon, elemental analysis.

Other Information: Alloy Devemopment, Continuous compounding, 3D Metal Printing.

Gears/Sprockets/Pulleys, Firearms,
Metal Injection Molding,
Aerospace, Defense, Hardware Power Tools, Medical and Dental,
ISO 13485

Company Contacts

Primary Sales RepresentativeHeaney, Donald F.dfheaney@4-app.com

Additional Demographics and Lists

Furnaces2,300 ˚F - 3,000 ˚F
Materials50-50 Nickel Iron
MaterialsIron & Iron Alloys
MaterialsStainless Steel
MaterialsTool Steels
MaterialsTungsten & Tungsten Alloys
PressesAdditive manufacturing
PressesInjection molding
SpecialtiesCNC machining
SpecialtiesDrilling & tapping
SpecialtiesSecondary Operation
SpecialtiesShot peening
SpecialtiesSizing & Coining
SpecialtiesSurface densification & gear rolling