APMI Board of Directors

APMI International's Board of Directors and its committees are run by volunteer members and are the heart of the association. These boards and committees are essential to the association's performance and objectives.

Robert Hayes

Robert Hayes,

APMI President

Phoenix Sintered Metals LLC

Christopher Adam

Christopher Adam, FAPMI, PMT

APMI Director


George Bernhard

George Bernhard,

APMI Director

Consarc Corporation

Julie Campbell Tremblay

Julie Campbell Tremblay, PMT

APMI Director

Rio Tinto Metal Powders

Teresa Cardona

Teresa Cardona,

APMI Director

Asbury Carbons

Jason Gabler

Jason Gabler, PMT

APMI Director

Advantage Metal Powders, Inc.

John Reidy

John Reidy,

APMI Director

Northwestern University

Michael Stucky

Michael Stucky,

MPIF President

Norwood Medical

James Adams

James Adams,

Executive Director

Metal Powder Industries Federation

Turner Abbott

Turner Abbott,

Association Administrator

Metal Powder Industries Federation